insurance quotes

Get quotes for your insurances, easy, quick and all handled online with no commitments or phone calls. Register and retrieve quotes for exactly what you need.


Register as broker, and get started.

goinsure is an independent portal eliminating the use of telephones and emails between you and the carriers.

Get quotes on insurances for your business clients. Quick, easy and safe with option to bind online.


Get quotes on insurance for your company.

Easy, quick and exclusively online, without any calls or emails.

All you need to do is register as user for your company, and you can start retrieving quotes on relevant insurances.


Retrieve insurance quotes for you, your family and possessions.

The full quoting process is online, with no calls or mails.

Register as private user and get started.

How it works

To start retrieving quotes for insurances, you simply need to register yourself / your company.

Select the insurance product you want a quote on

Answer the questions required for that specific insurance

Commit your input

Unless the insurer needs more information, You will promptly receive your quote directly on the screen.

Accept or reject the quote

If you end up accepting the quote, you will receive the policy and invoice directly from the insurer.

About us

Goinsure is an independent platform for insurances serving as market place for insurances in Europe.
We are incorporated in Denmark with following details:

goinsure aps
Company register #43785222
8600 Silkeborg